
بونوس Bonus چیست؟

یکی از برنامه‌های تشویقی کارگزاری‌های مختلف (بروکرها) بونوس است. بونوس (Bonus) در لغت به معنای انعام و جایزه و یا پرداختی اضافی می‌باشد که علاوه بر طرحی تشویقی، می‌تواند به عنوان طرحی تبلیغاتی و همچنین کمک و همیاری به مشتری نیز محسوب شود. از میان انواع بونوس بروکر آرون گروپس با توجه به علایق معامله‌گران خود، دست به انتخاب نوعی از بونوس زده است تا امکانات هرچه بیشتر رفاهی را جهت سود معامله‌گران خود فراهم آورد. بروکرهایی که در برنامه‌های کاری خود طرح بونوس را ارائه می‌کنند، معمولا قوانینی را نیز درباره آن تنظیم و اعلام می‌نمایند.

بونوس های در حال اجرا

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In this plan, all traders, who open their SPORT CFD trading account and put their first deposit into this account, will receive their 50% gifts.

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Infinity Bonus

Aron Groups broker is planning to gift a 10% losable bonus for each deposit to Nano, Standard, and VIP trading accounts from 18:00 on Friday, November 11th, to support the traders.

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Rock and Roll symbols

Aron Groups broker presents three symbols each month with no commission, swap and low spread.

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Rock and Roll symbols

Aron Groups broker presents three symbols each month with no commission, swap and low spread.

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Rock and Roll symbols

Aron Groups broker presents three symbols each month with no commission, swap and low spread.

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Rock and Roll symbols

Aron Groups broker presents three symbols each month with no commission, swap and low spread.


Expired Bonus

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Supporting Art enthusiasts

In order to support art enthusiasts, Aron Groups offers to pay for a portion of a concert ticket. Applicants must trade in a market they are interested in and withdraw their profit without requiring any initial deposit.

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Supporting Art enthusiasts

In order to support art enthusiasts, Aron Groups offers to pay for a portion of a concert ticket. Applicants must trade in a market they are interested in and withdraw their profit without requiring any initial deposit.

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Supporting Art enthusiasts

In order to support art enthusiasts, Aron Groups offers to pay for a portion of a concert ticket. Applicants must trade in a market they are interested in and withdraw their profit without requiring any initial deposit.

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Supporting Art enthusiasts

In order to support art enthusiasts, Aron Groups offers to pay for a portion of a concert ticket. Applicants must trade in a market they are interested in and withdraw their profit without requiring any initial deposit.


چگونه در Aron Groups ثبت نام کنیم؟


چه مدت زمانی طول می کشد تا واریز وجه انجام شود؟


پلتفرم معاملاتی بروکر چیست؟